Comments on: Cr-48 Hardware ruby, ubuntu, etc Thu, 17 Mar 2016 20:35:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Which is more powerful spec-wise: the Motorola Xoom or the Google Cr48 netbook? - Quora Which is more powerful spec-wise: the Motorola Xoom or the Google Cr48 netbook? - Quora Wed, 23 Mar 2011 00:21:28 +0000 [...] detailed in great length in this article detailed Cr48 specs:…Mar 3, 2011View All 0 CommentsCannot add comment at this time. Add [...]

By: Chrome OS Cr-48 Hard Drive Help? | Hardware ZZZ Chrome OS Cr-48 Hard Drive Help? | Hardware ZZZ Thu, 17 Feb 2011 18:01:46 +0000 [...] LinkedIn [...]

By: Max Max Thu, 10 Feb 2011 03:27:25 +0000 Eh, I’m running this blog on a 256mb virt along with a number of other ruby webservices — point being, my server could just be overloaded.

By: Chip Chip Wed, 09 Feb 2011 22:58:54 +0000 These seem like very good specs compared to what I was expecting based on how fast this computer has been running. It took 10 seconds to load this very simple page. Maybe it’s the network I’m on, though I have 3 out of 4 bars consistently.

By: Luigi: Instala cualquier sistema operativo en una CR-48 - FayerWayer Luigi: Instala cualquier sistema operativo en una CR-48 - FayerWayer Tue, 04 Jan 2011 22:02:07 +0000 [...] corto frente a Chrome OS – ya que el funcionamiento óptimo de la CR-48 no solo depende del hardware: Atom N455 a 1.66GHz, SSD de 16 GB, 1886 MB de RAM, Batería HP Li-Ion de 63Wh, Touchpad Synaptic y [...]

By: Max Max Sun, 12 Dec 2010 06:11:45 +0000 Yeah, I was expecting an older Atom, 1 GB of RAM, and an 8 GB SSD, so I was pleasantly surprised by the specs :) I’m not sure we’ll be seeing significant discrepancies in graphics performance in the near future, since Chrome OS is designed for mere netbooks…I doubt we’ll ever get anything even remotely as powerful as a dedicated GPU powering a Chrome OS machine. The weekly-updating operating system is cool, too, so hopefully the OS will never be an out-of-date version.

By: Steven Steven Sun, 12 Dec 2010 06:06:55 +0000 Nice, thanks for posting this for us! I’m still waiting to see if I get a CR-48, but if I do, now I know its a great netbook. I was hoping for 4GB of storage and maybe a gig of ram, but it sounds like Google did a good job giving it the resources it will need to run for a long time. My guess is that as long as it doesn’t break down, it should last a good number of years. The only thing that might be a downside in the future is if web apps start utilizing serious graphics power, but this thing should be able to handle mos things pretty well. I had a similar configuration on an Acer Aspire One, and it ran Windows 7 really well, with flash content not even glitching. I’m guessing once Google works out the bugs and Adobe and others provide more stable plug ins, this netbook is really going to be worth its use.

By: Max Max Sun, 12 Dec 2010 04:52:49 +0000 Lots and lots of Intel components! I pasted it here:

By: Scott Scott Sun, 12 Dec 2010 04:26:21 +0000 Cool stuff. What’s the full lspci output?
