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Ideas Needed for Mr. Bones skeleton built on Ramaze

If I were to make a skeleton using Mr. Bones that was built on Ramaze, what would people like to see in it?  It's for my use first, but the community's use a close second if I can generalize it enough.  I was thinking along the lines of openid support, having a decent home page and logged-in-user gateway, appropriate nav-bars, haml+sass, jquery+ui, etc....thoughts?  What do you find yourself doing at the beginning of every website project that you'd like to not have to repeat every time you start a project?

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  1. Hi, I’ve just seen the ramastic announcement and it looks like a great project, although I haven’t used it yet. One thing that I’d be very interested in is a nice testing setup using ramaze and sequel. It would be nice if it used an Rspec type testing framework, but anything is better than nothing.

  2. Hey Janner. It’s on my list of things to do! I’ll try to get around to it this week — it’s definitely a priority.

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